
AXIA e-Shareholders' Meeting
ATHEX Group's service
For Virtual Meetings of companies in real time.
General Meetings
There are no active General Assemblies at this moment.
We remind you that:

Ιn order for a investor (shareholder or bondholder) or his/her proxy to create an account in the electronic platform above, a valid electronic mail (email) account and a mobile telephone number are required by the investor or his/her proxy.

For this purpose, investors are requested to contact without delay the Operator/Custodian of their Account where the securities of  the  Company  are  kept,  or  any  other  intermediary,  that  provides  them  with  custody  services  for  the securities of the Company, as the case may be, in order to notify them or to update their valid email address and mobile telephone number for identification in  accordance  with  Decision  No  8  of  the  Hellenic  Central Securities Depository, “Technical terms and procedures for the provision of the Registry, Corporate and Other Related Actions Service”, investors must provide or update the information above, in order to create the account.

To create a representative account on the platform, the email address and mobile phone number, as stated in the representative appointment form, are required.

Guidelines for the connection and use of the AXIA e-SM platform.

For more information, please contact us at: axiaeshareholdersmeeting@athexgroup.gr or at tel. +0030 210-3366426.