

According to Commission Implementing Regulation 2018/1212 for SRD II, where the information set out in this web form is available to shareholders on the issuer's website, fill in only the fields marked with an asterisk, including the URL hyperlink to the website where the information can be found.

Announcement Date Fill in the Hermes Protocol Date of the G.M. Announcement
Date Of G.M. Required Fill in the G.M. date
Record Date on DSS Required Record Date on DSS

Participation Methods

The fields of Participation Methods are not obligatory to be filled in, but as long as a specific Participation Method for your G.M. exists and you tick the box √, then the corresponding field must be filled in.


Vote Deadline Fill in the account servicer (participant) deadline for vote through network (internet)
Vote Market Deadline Fill in the date and time by which the vote instructions should be submitted to the issuer (for electronic votes)

Vote Methods

These fields are not obligatory to be filled in, but as long as a specific Vote Method for your G.M. exists and you tick the box √, then the corresponding field must be filled in.

Specification of the deadlines regarding the exercise of other shareholders' rights



ATTENTION: In case that an agenda item requires separate votings, such as, the election of new members of BoDs or company committees, e.t.c., fill in the numbering and the title for each separate voting as agenda sub-item, i.e. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.

An agenda item that is subject to binding (BNDG) or advisory (ADVI) voting, has always at least 3 alternative choices for vote: Cast For (CFOR), Cast Against (CAGS), Abstain (ABST), but not the alternative choice for vote: No Action - NOAC. An agenda item that is not subject to voting, has 1 alternative choice for vote: No Action - NOAC.